The Now Playing page can be 100% skinned, the browse and playlist pages (and settings) offer minimal skinning beyond colour setting. fbskin file and then renders the skin in an example program which allows the various devices to be tested against your skin. Running SkinDesigner, compiles the skin to a single. Finally double click the skindef.skindef file to run SkinDesigner.exe to compile the skin. A foobar mobile skin (.fbskin) is created using the foobar mobile skin compiler (windows only), which compiles multiple skins and images into a single file.Ī single skin will contain 8 skins, skins are resolution independent, the 8 skins are needed to accurately cater to the various aspect ratios needed for the various devices, each skin contains:Īll files when creating a skin should be in a single folder, edit the skindef.skindef file (drop existing onto notepad).